Publishing Made Easy.
Writing is the easy part.
Publishing is where most authors fail.
Book Consulting Services.
Some authors need help from book outline to finished hardcover on store shelves. Others just need a little advice along the way. At TGC, we don’t believe in one-size-fits-all packages. We provide customized solutions based on your book goals.
Our book design, editorial, and print services include:
Book cover feedback to help you compete with bestselling books in your category
Choosing a publishing company that can help achieve your goals
Securing your ISBN code
Publishing business plans
A la carte editorial and design services
Book pricing strategies
Back cover copywriting
Self-publishing companies—the good, the bad, and writers beware
Hybrid or Traditional publishing representation
Our book consulting services are an excellent choice for authors who want to get it right the first time. Publishers work with us to support the author’s book marketing efforts. It’s a team sport.
Book Publishing Consulting Services.
The book consulting team at TGC specializes in helping guide authors through the entire book publishing process step-by-step. Tired of thinking about book sales, book marketing, printing, distribution, fulfillment, cover design, trim sizes, pricing, titles, and the “business” of publishing? We have years of experience working with big, traditional publishers, indie presses, and self-published authors, helping to put all of the pieces together.
Learn How to Publish a Book
Our team can teach you how to publish a book efficiently and cost-effectively.
Follow a Successful Book Marketing Plan
TGC can help you with your book marketing and sales plan.
Professional Book Printing and Publishing Services
We connect authors with the right publisher for their book - both hybrid and traditional publishing houses.
Book Sales Strategies
We custom create book promotions and pre-sell strategies to ensure your book is positioned for success.
Book Marketing Consultant Services
Develop a book marketing plan that maximizes your sales potential.
Publishing Consultant Services
Learn the ins and outs of publishing a book.
Book Packaging
Your book package determines if your book can compete with other bestselling books in your category. We make sure it does.
How to Get Published
Tips on finding literary agents and getting a traditional publishing deal.